Watched March 19-25 2007
The Old Fashioned Way (William Beaudine, 1934) Poppy (A. Edward Sutherland, 1936) The new W.C. Fields box a veritable treasure chest. Alas, the only previously unseen film (Poppy) was no gem. Other than some vintage Fieldsian fooling about -- this was a wash-out in terms of dramatic interest, with mostly uninteresting supporting performances. "Old Fashioned Way" -- which I last saw almost 40 years ago -- was another thing entirely. Even better than I remembered. Practically perfect in every way. The kinship with Ozu (noted recently by Dave Kehr) was especially clear here -- as this seemed to owed a debt to Fitzmaurice's "The Barker" just as Ozu's "Story of Floating Weeds" did. On the other hand -- no Ozu lead ever stopped the show in mid-course to engage in a bravura display of inspired juggling. All in good fun. High Sierra (Raoul Walsh, 1941) How can a film with such lovely mountain scenery and good performances by great leads (Bogart and Lupi...